Monday, June 20, 2011

IP's's all good. They both went over well, got 'em all finished.  Ms. Fitz got all of my buttons and the projector went up pretty well.

Olivia and I had to do some hard work on the brackets though, not all of the screws were going into the ancient drywall all that well.  But in the end, we conquered.

I'll post pictures from both of them real soon.

Helping Projects

Back in the day (earlier in the semester), I helped out Gavin with one of his projects.  I helped on the "Spring Egg Hunt", which turned out quite well.  I worked with a few others on preparing all the plastic eggs (filling them with candy) and with the signs and hiding the eggs.

It was a pretty low-key and low cost event to set up, but it turned out well.  A lot of people participated in it, and seemed to have a lot of fun with it.  I think we might have started a school tradition here.

My other helping project was Gabby and Olivia's.  I helped them repaint the linese of the basketball court.  This too, went over pretty well.  The hoopers out there like the new lines and we only experienced a single setback.  While we were painitng the lines, Muhammed kncoked over one of the cans of paint...But we improvised and dubbed it "The Hot Spot".  It worked.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


So.  I will be blogging about my two other projects as one.

My first is that I have been working on Spirit Buttons for Ms. Fitz.  They will be on sale next year.  I tried to bring some comedy to it as well as the aesthetically pleasing qualities.

Once I've finalized all of the buttons, I'll post pictures of them on the blog.

My other "project" is that I will be moving the projector set up in Ms. Fitz' room.  Right now, it's awkwardly off to the right side, and I'll move it, and the screen to the center of the room.

This will be taking place this Thursday, the 16th.  I'll post pictures of it then.

Or not...

So I won't actually be doing this project...Fell behind on time, got real busy.  Instead, I'm gonna choose some real nice looking pictures that I took and Ms. Fitz agreed to have them printed and framed so she can put them up in her room.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Milestone Calendar

Complete By:

4.26.11 - Price picture frames
4.26.11 - Price printing prices
4.29.11 - Have all pictures chosen
5.6.11  -  Have all pictures edited
5.9.11  -  Send to printers
5.12.11 - Organize placement
5.19.11 - Hang all pictures

Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Phoenix Gallery

Name:               Austin McHenry
Project Title:     The Phoenix Gallery
Project Time Table:
Start on:             4.11.11
Finish by:            5.31.11
Milestone dates:
Mentor or advisor:  Fitz

Describe what you see as the end result of your project.  What will it look/feel like?  How does your project align with our mission and goals as a class?
Simply stated, the beautification of our campus. I more or less want to start a dynamic art gallery at our school.  It will begin with just being my work (mainly photography and some digital media) hopefully being displayed all around the school.  I would want there to be different "exhibitions" around the campus.  I want to have pictures posted in classrooms as well as the hallways and cafeteria.  I am now thinking to have different themes to each "exhibition", varying on its location.
Hopefully, this will get our own school more excited about the arts, as well as show visitors that we actually are more than just a "flight school".

What are the obstacles and or challenges that you are anticipating when working on your project? 
I am mainly worried about the cost of getting picture frames and printing the actual photos.  Other than that, just getting push-back either from teachers or the administration.  Thinking that some teachers just wont want to have pictures up in their room or that the school might not be so excited about me putting nails in their walls...

What are the milestones that you are going to meet?  Be detailed.
Well, technically, I've already started.  I already have a decent amount of pictures of the school and students.  I just need to ask Mr. McComb about me being able to hang pictures.  I also need to "officially" find an advisor, although, there won't be much to advise... After that, asking each teacher if they would be okay/if they had a certain theme they would like for their room (a means of organizing the location of certain pictures).  After that, I will need to figure out how many/prices for printing and picture frames, so I can present to the ASB and see if I can get money passed to pay for them.  After that, it will all be selecting/editing photos, getting them printed, and them hanging them up!
I plan  to send Mr. McComb an email over break, and sit down with him once I get back, if necessary.  I will go around and talk to teachers after I get back form break, as well.  I will be working on trying to get a price soon, so I can present to ASB by, say... 21 April.  Other than that, I'd hope to get to get everything up and posted by 31 May, so people will get almost a full month to appreciate the installations.

How will you ensure that you reach your project milestones on the dates listed above? How do you think you will overcome these foreseen obstacles?
Thankfully, there aren't many hard deadlines with this project.  I'll keep a calendar, but the main thing is just me going around and taking the pictures.  That and editing will be almost the entirety of the project, which don't really need to be scheduled.

What materials are you going to need to successfully carry out your project? 
-I already have the camera, computer, and editing software 
-I will need to get the pictures printed 
-Picture frames  
-Nails and a hammer (Mrs. Durrant) 
-Ladder (which we have) 

What  other things besides materials are you going to need to be successful in your project?  (examples: people or special training) 
Really, all I'll need is some help hanging up the actual framed pictures.  Other than that, simply the support of my community. 

How many people will you need to help you in your project?  What do you see their roles being?  Be specific. 
Probably, just a few.  I'll need one or two people to help me hang the pictures.  And then, maybe one or two to help me think of ideas (could be the whole class) and to help set up for some photos.
In the future, I'd like to see this expand to be artwork from all across the school, but I don't have the time or capacity for that yet.

What is your plan to hold yourself and your group accountable for the success of the project? 
Pretty much, just to keep the end in mind.  With the help of my calendar, I'll do my best to know that I need the pictures done in order to have time to hang them all.  Other than, just really keeping in mind the end results, too. I want to bring out the inner beauty that has gotten buried in our school's image.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Leadership.  What is leadership?  Is it telling people what to do?  Or being able to understand a group at large?  This blog will cover my 2nd Semester Leadership class, taught by Sarah Fitzpatrick of Aviation High School